time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Friday, October 06, 2006

communal lethargy

i appreciate the little things.

just last weekend i was listening to an old lady nagging at the diner guy while i was waiting for my food. this meddlesome geriatric was trying to tell him how to do his job.

as if she'd known better what the pitiful guy was actually going through.

for all i care, she just another obtrusive old lady with nothing better to do than harassing them poor customer service people.

as if they weren't harassed enough by their managers.

i just murmured.."people..", and looked the other way.

see, most people are rude to customer service people for two reasons.

one reason is because they never experienced a life of servitude and they don't understand how hard it is, trying to deal with somebody else's issues, and trying to make the world a lot better for others to live in.

another reason would be because they are bitter because they are customer service people themselves and they find it very alleviating harassing some poor innocent customer service people. just to make up for the abuse they took from some of the gruffier ones like themselves.

thing is, if somebody slaps you, and you take it real bad, don't go around slapping somebody else just because you have nothing to dish out your anger upon.

get over it. learn. don't let it get to you.

don't nobody lose their cool.

getting back at an innocent person is real bad shit, y'know, and if somebody don't get back at ya, karma will. i promise.

karma will bitchslap you for sure. you bet your ass it will.

some people only respect you if you look like some rich ass person. or if you look decent enough to live up their own personal standards.

that's because it's the money they respect. they think money makes the world go round.

yeah, well, it does, sometimes. but not all the time.

you don't buy respect, you see. you earn it.

you do not choose the people you need to respect, if you do not know them, or if they haven't shown you anything dissolute or discreditable.

that's why i appreciate them customer service people who are trying their best to be as polite and as entertaining as they can..to everyone.

i kept contemplating the whole time i was in the mall.

it's all about respect. R E S P E C K. damn right. with a K. now there's a whole new word right there.

they don't teach that to young kids anymore these days.

before i went home i headed for the men's room to clear my head. at the door was a janitor who was greeting everybody who passes the corridor.

"good evening, sir.", "good evening, ma'am.".

most of them people never glanced or even batted an eyelash. as if the guy weren't there.

i smiled at him and said "thanks. good evening to you too." then went in.
i always smile at people who take time to greet me, that's why.

now don't you think the world would be a whole lot friendlier if we took time to appreciate the little things?

it doesn't take that much at all, to do that.


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