time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Thursday, October 19, 2006

the lighter side of life

been reading comments on my last post (on my other blog site). sure was, glad to hear that some people understand fruitcakes like me.

some people can really take a break from blissful posts, and deal with the real world, which can get ugly.

you see, happy stories are a good read, but sometimes you just have to hear what other people have to say about reality. though it does not have to necessarily be inspiring or mirthful.

it depends on how people look at life. some think everything about life is peaceful and sunny, but for jaded and cranky individuals like me, it just ain't funny anymore.

some "enlightened" ones view each and everything about life is merely okay. they believe in the phrase, "this too, shall pass". which is true, actually. that's what gives them a very positive outlook on life and they never did mind about the little things.

that is a very commendable way to view life, really. blessed are the happy people.

while i do, adhere to such codes myself, i just somehow find time to look at things from a different angle. i have this nagging idea at the back of my mind that i have to look at things from all sides, to get a better understanding of what something really stands for, or, to be able to just grasp an idea.

i do appreciate how some people ingeniously deal with things, or situations. them people are real smart. which means, i am not bred outta hate. people have a soft side, and i don't believe that any one person can be so cold to the point of not being able to feel any kind of fluff.

that being said, i'd like to express my admiration for the people who are intelligent, realistic, righteous, understanding, and so full of mirth.

y'all people got it goin on. keep doin it. you're all wonderful.


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