time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Friday, November 24, 2006

a break from reality

i decided to take my time off to find my peace of mind and think about stuff.

y'know, like, contemplatin' or somethin'.

lately my calm is being imbalanced by a lot of things goin' on in my mind. things which i shouldn't be thinking or worrying about. it happens to people like me, i guess.

people, like me, get saturated easily. it's because people like me, have little tolerance for the suffocating effects of the harsh reality.

sometimes we just need a break from all these.

reality, is an irrepressible force, and the only choice we have is to either deal with it, or escape from it.

there's really not much of a good choice in those two, i guess. dealing with it means accepting the fact that you are an ant, waiting to be burned by some kid with a magnifying glass who oddly thinks that ants are insignificant in the grand scale of life, hoping for a bit of luck that some strong wind might whiff you away and take you elsewhere. and escaping means giving up on it and leaving it altogether in hopes of finding serenity in unlikely places, only to find out there is nowhere else to go.

it's a little pessimistic to think that way but, it's the truth. life was never too easy for anyone. it's only easy, for those who lack compassion for others, and for those who never felt any kind of emotional or spiritual distress in their entire life.

there are times when i've had it up to here, and the only thing preventing me from flipping out is my decency and sanity.

here's hoping i'd get that much needed enlightenment, somehow.


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