time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Saturday, December 09, 2006

absimilliard on christmassin'

i'm lovin' this.

it's the christmas season again.

everybody's christmassy and christmassin'.

i'm kinda optimistic with the comin' year, y'know. 'cause i got to thinkin', hell, if things don't change an' the whole place still sucks, then that's good. 'cause it's better that way. better than if things get much more worse, i mean.


if bad is better than worse, and better would be good, then..bad is good! i got it! damn i'm a genius.

anyway, i was kinda thinkin' of turnin' in a new leaf. somethin' that'll make my folks proud a' me. not that they aren't but...maybe make them a little more prouder. in a good way, of course.

'cause them parents are good folks. good people. gotta love 'em parents.

yeah. that's a good idea.

an' since the christmas season this year is pretty much special for me than last year's, i'm plannin' on donnin' the santa outfit an' give out gifts to everyone i remember.

more like...care to remember...or plan to remember...ahahahaha. 'cause i ain't that rich, y'know. i got taxes to pay, fer chrissakes. charities to uh...donate to, an' people to drown in that heaven sent juice called "booze".

yes, it is, heaven sent. i assure you. it's helped many people on different occasions. it's built so many lasting relationships, an' it has put an end to alotta "epic conflicts".

booze, hehehe, brings people together. yeah, maybe i need to write somethin' about that too.


and about this whole christmas thing, i'm really gettin' a good deal outta that previous reflection thing i did articles ago. 'cause i'm actually beginnin' ta believe that i'm finally gettin' in the zone of things, y'know, an' that i'm gettin' a better picture of this entire thing.

so...let's all thank whoever we need to thank an'....yeah, let's err, let's all of us be good this christmas season. an' give gifts.

an' show 'em people love, y'know. it's christmas.

happy holidays.


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