time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Thursday, December 14, 2006

anarchical mindjob

i'm thinking about the society, in general. and what's wrong with it.

i'm talking about rallyists, anarchists, and the lot.

they rally on, talking about taxes and questioning why the government increased the tuition fees for the university of the philippines.

as if they have an idea of what's really goin' on. they have no effhin' clue, really.
the tuition fees they pay are for the maintenance costs of the institution, of which they abuse. yup, that's right, they overuse the facilities, and they're paying half of what they really owe. hell, that's a good deal, if you ask me.

i was never really a staunch supporter of the government. and i was never really happy with how our democracy is being run by today's politicians. i know it sucks. i know they're corrupt.

but these things, we have to set aside. i mean, these rallyists are barely paying for the service they're using, and yet they have the audacity to complain.

all they do is complain.

if they only have a good idea of what's really going on, maybe they'd consider complaining less. they act as if they know something, but in truth, they don't know shi*.

i mean, don't they have something else more productive to do? other than picketing? jesus. it's ridiculously useless.

rallies never amounted to anything but confusion, unproductivity and hassle. it never changed anything, and it only ended up victimizing the innocent people.

people who don't deserve the trouble, but are being hassled anyway. because of these inconsiderate jackasses.

changes were made by people who are very concerned as to actually doing something about it.

admirable people, people who work their way to solve the problem.

they don't do rallies. because rallyists...are all mouth, no guts.

besides, these kids never experienced major struggles in their life. and yet they have a lot to say. have they ever tried running a government? have they even tried running a service center? no. they don't know anything at all. they work their reasoning around ideas and simulated situations which are in fact, unreliable.

pretty funny if you think about it, because their parents are paying for the tuition fees they waste.

you see, the kid's parents are paying for them to go to school and actually learn something. they never did care about the expenses as long as they know their kid is doing well and studying very hard to get a decent future. yet the kid's got the nerve to become an activist and join rallies. something tells me this kid is bored and has no imagination that's why they chose such an obscure extracurricular activity. do they actually believe they're making things easier? do they really believe that they're helping they're poor parents?

they're only making things harder.

ask them. they all say the same thing. two words. puppets and politicians.

as if they really know anything about the government. ask them about their understanding of taxes and you'll hear an incredibly preposterous canned response. prefabricated by their supposed to be knowledgeable leaders who are in fact, as clueless as they are.

my advice...they should help their folks by studying hard, or by getting a part time job, if they really care about them. and then by eventually graduating and getting a decent job. and if they still believe in the imbalance, they should consider getting a good position wherein they can do something about it.

an entirely lost cause, these kids.


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