time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Sunday, April 22, 2007

love your work

because of my undying loyalty and dedication to my work, i've decided that they deserve %100 from me. it's the least i can do, for the company who pays my bills.

monday - 12%
tuesday - 23%
wednesday - 40%
thursday - 20%
friday - 5%

and because it's unavoidable in an office to have pesky co-workers, i'm putting up customized signs all over my cubicle. here are a few i've thought of, so far.

I'M BUSY NOW (can I ignore you some other time?)

I LOVE DEADLINES (i especially like the sound they make as they go whooshing by)

I PRETEND TO WORK (they pretend to pay me)

HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE (but why chance it?)

TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED (and I'll tell you how to get along without it)

because every other coleague cubicle looks the same, i want mine to be unique. why do they keep putting up flags that say POLICY and rocks that say TEAMWORK on them? silly people. teamwork does not look like a rock. it looks like a butterfly. hmm. odd people, these office workers are.


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